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Click to read more about my exoplanet transit observation!
Laura Lee, Embry-Riddle Aeronutical University, Prescott, AZ 86301 ​
Cynthia De La Rosa
Supervised by Dr. Brian Rachford (Professor) (Dated: 4/28/2019)


HAT-P 20 b Exoplanet Transit Observation​
Through methods of photometry on a candidate star, we were able to observe and analyze data
from an exoplanet transit. We used was HAT-P 20 as our target star where we were able to
determine the radius and transit duration of the exoplanet to be Rp = 0.885366Rj (Jupitr Radii)
and T14 = 0.098170 ± 0.015929 days respectively.
The measured radius of the planet was found
to be consistent with the accepted value of Rp = 0.86Rj with a percent difference of 2.32%. The
measured transit duration was not consistent with the accepted value and was out of its error range
of the value 0.077 days with a percent difference of 27.5%.
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Click to learn more about our investigation!
Jordan Cabrera and Laura Lee, Embry-Riddle Aeronutical University, Prescott, AZ 86301
Calvin Carmichael and Zoe Crain
Supervised by Ellie Gretarrson (Professor) (Dated: October 7, 2019)


An Investigation on the Properties of Interferometry
Using a Helium-Neon laser, four mirrors, and a beamsplitter, we were able to create a Michelson
interferometer. We then used it to verify the sinusoidal behavior of the electromagnetic waves,
measure the index of refraction of glass, and examine circular fringes by combining radial wave
fronts with planar ones.
Our measured value for the index of refraction of the piece of glass we used
was ng = 1.3427 ± 0.0024. This value is consistent with the index of refraction for borosilicate glass
which has an index of refraction of 1.36. The fractional difference between our measured value and this value is 1.27%.
Click to learn more about what we found!
Laura Lee, John Norton, and Brennan Moore, Embry-Riddle Aeronutical University, Prescott, AZ 86301 (Dated: April 23, 2018)


Electron Diffraction
In this lab, the “interplanar spacing between scattering planes in a polycrystalline graphite lattice”
was measured [1]. By observing how electrons can obtain wavelike properties, known as the deBroglie
wavelength, one can better understand the characteristics of electron beams. Electrons of equal
energy are guided towards a graphite target in which the target has random alignment composing
of two main planes of scattering, d1 = 0.213 ± 0.005nm and d2 = 0.123 ± 0.005nm[2].
Because the crystals’ planes inside the target have proper alignment, one can observe Bragg diffraction as the beam from the “electron gun” bounces off the crystals. In order to discover the interplanar spacings
within the crystals, a fit of the “Bragg scattering angle (θ)” at different voltages is required [1].The
interplanar spacings were calculated to be d1 = 0.2508 ± 0.0012nm and d2 = 0.1464 ± 0.0004nm.
Click to read the full report!
Laura Lee,  John Norton, and Brennan Moore, Embry-Riddle Aeronutical University, Prescott, AZ 86301 (Dated: March 25, 2018)


Planck’s Constant - Measuring
In this lab, Planck’s constant, h, was measured through the use of the photoelectric effect. Planck’s constant is usually applied in quantum mechanics. From the photoelectric effect, electrons are ejected in which kinetic energy is able to be measured. On a cleansed metal surface, photons emit about five different energies/wavelengths.
The relationship between the photon’s frequency and the electron’s kinetic energy is linear, so, with this information, Planck’s constant, h, was able to be measured at (6.2314 ± 0.07665) × 10−34 m2kg s , and the work function bounding the electrons to the metal surface, φ, was (2.42695 ±0.035815) × 10−19V .
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